25864 Washington Blvd. NE Kingston, WA 98346

Public Records

Public Disclosure Requests Procedures

The Port of Kingston is committed to providing full access to public records in accordance with the Washington State Public Records Act (RCW 42.56). These procedures are to provide for the fullest assistance to requesters and the timeliest action on requests.

Members of the public may direct requests for disclosure of public records to:


PO Box 559, Kingston WA 98346

(360) 297-3545 phone

Guidelines for Submitting a Public Records Request

It is requested that all Public Records Requests be made in writing. A prescribed Public Records Request form is available. Requests may be mailed, emailed or hand delivered. The request should include the following information:

  • Name and address of the requester.
  • Additional contact information including telephone number and email address.
  • A detailed description of the public record being requested.
  • Whether the requester wants to inspect the records in person (by appointment), have responsive records copied or scanned (applicable fees apply) and delivery method and/or address where physical copies or digital scans are to be remitted in response to the request.

 Response to Requests

The Port will process requests in the order allowing current open requests to be processed in the most efficient manner. The Port will respond to a request within five (5) business days, and shall respond by:

  • Notifying the requester that responsive records are available; or
  • Sending a letter acknowledging that the Port has received the request. This acknowledgement will notify the requester of the Port’s reasonable estimate of the time the Port will require to respond; or
  • Seek clarification of the request. If the requester fails to clarify the request within thirty (30) days, the Port will treat the request as having been withdrawn and will close the request.
  • Deny the records request.

Additional time to respond to a request may be based upon the need to clarify the intent of the request, to locate and assemble the information requested, to notify third persons or agencies affected by the request, and/or to determine whether any of the records requested are exempt from public disclosure and subject to redaction. The Public Records Act does not require the Port to answer general questions, create new public records, or provide information in a format that is different from the original public record(s).

 Installment Responses

The public records officer may provide access for inspection and copying in installments, by appointment, to a requester. If the requester fails to respond to arrange an appointment during Port business hours, fails to inspect the set of records, or fails to claim one or more of the installments within 30 days of the notice of availability of the responsive records, the Public Records Officer has the authority to halt processing the balance of the request, and to close it. 

Inspection of Records

After notification to the requester of the availability of the responsive records, responsive records shall be made available for inspection and/or copying during the posted normal business hours of the Port (currently 8:00 a.m. through 4:45 p.m., Monday through Friday of each week, except on legal holidays and weekends). In order for the public records maintained on the premises of the Port may be protected from damage or disorganization as required by the Public Records Act, the following practices are instituted:

  • The Port shall provide a space to inspect public records.
  • Port staff may be present during the inspection of records.
  • No public records may be removed from the viewing area, marked, defaced, torn, damaged, destroyed, disassembled or removed from its proper location or order, or altered.
  • No fee is charged for viewing public records.
  • To select a paper record for copying during inspection, a requester must flag the page of document by used of a non-permanent method such as a removable adhesive note.

Copying of Public Records

A requester shall indicate which document(s) they wish the Port to copy. To avoid disruption of Port operations, the Port cannot offer these facilities for public use. Port staff will make the requested copies or arrange for copying, and the requester will be charged according to the posted rate in accordance with RCW 42.56. The Port does charge $.15 per page for standard black and white copies. Other costs for non-standard size copies, mixed media, digital scanning, photographs or postage/handling may also be applicable. A deposit may be required depending on the volume or number of copies requested.  Please see the Public Records Fee Schedule for more information (above).

Failure to Respond to Public Records Request

The requester must claim or review the assembled records within thirty (30) days of notification by the Port of the responsive records. If after thirty (30) days of being notified of the availability of the responsive records, the requester fails to inspect the entire set of records or one or more of the installments, the public records officer or designee may consider the records request abandoned, stop searching for the remaining records and close the request.