Port Meetings
Unless otherwise noted, one or more Commissioners and/or the Executive Director may attend any or all of the sessions/events listed on the calendar below. This calendar serves as notification to the press per RCW 42.30, Open Public Meetings Act.
Port of Kingston Meetings are posted on the calendar tab here https://portofkingston.org/events/
Meetings & Work Sessions
The Port of Kingston Commission holds Regular Meetings on the fourth Wednesday of every month (except for when dates are adjusted for the holidays). In order to accommodate all members of the public, the Port holds meetings on a rotating monthly schedule at 1 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. every other month. Regular Meetings of the Commission are either located at the Village Green Community Center and available remotely via Zoom unless otherwise noted. For the Zoom link please see the Meeting event on the Port Calendar.
Regular Meetings
Port Commission meetings are open to the public and you are encouraged to attend. Public comment and input are normally taken at Port Commission meetings to provide Commissioners with information, public perspective and opinion on matters before them. Public testimony is welcome during the public comment period, held in the first part of the meeting. Please limit comments to three (3) minutes per person. Public comment periods are limited to thirty (30) minutes.
Special Meetings
The Port Commission may call Special Meetings. A notice of Special Meetings is posted on the Port website as soon as a meeting is scheduled, and no later than 24 hours before the meeting is scheduled.
Work Sessions
Work Sessions are informal Public Meetings that provide an opportunity for Port Staff to communicate with the Commission on topics related to operations and future agenda items for scheduled meetings in an informal round-table environment. Work sessions are held every other Tuesday morning 9:30am-11:00am unless otherwise noted. Work Sessions cover topics that are for discussion only, and no action will be taken. The public may attend, and minutes are available; however, public comment is not taken at this time. An agenda will not be issued for Work Sessions, and any changes or cancellations will be posted on the Port’s website no later than 24-Hours prior to the calendared Work Session.
Executive Sessions
The Port Commission may recess to or call an Executive Session to discuss or receive briefings from staff regarding real estate, personnel matters, litigation or other subjects as set forth in the Open Public Meetings Act (RCW 42.30)