Note: One or more Commissioners and/or the Executive Director may attend any or all of the sessions listed on our calendar unless otherwise noted. This calendar serves as notification to the press per RCW 42.30, Open Public Meetings Act. Questions should be referred to the Executive Director, (360) 297-3545.
The public is welcome to join the Kingston Community Advisory Council from 6:30-8 p.m. Wed., Aug. 9 to hear an update on the county’s regional stormwater facility project in downtown Kingston that will impact traffic but result in improved water quality and capacity. County staff will also present details on the county’s Critical Areas Ordinance review.
The Kingston Community Advisory Council meets the second Wednesday of the month at 6:30 p.m. (except in July) at the Village Green Community Center, 26159 Dulay Road NE in Kingston. A hybrid option is also available for the public.
To join the Zoom meeting, go to:
Village Green Community Center
Greater Kingston Chamber of Commerce
Visit Kitsap Peninsula
Kingston Cove Yacht Club