Preparation for the new public restroom building has begun! The flow of parking has changed due to the construction zone, and we apologize for any inconvenience. This phase located and identified storm water pipe connection points and a safe path for re-routing fuel lines away from the foundation area. Next phase will be completing utility tie-ins.

We are currently experiencing permitting delays. We will provide updates as soon as we have them.


SR-104 Holding Lanes / ATMS 

Ferry traffic congestion has been a challenge for many years. A partnership between five agencies and multiple community groups came together in 2019 to conduct a study into developing some solutions to these traffic challenges. With the support of Kitsap County Commissioner Christine Rolfes, the agencies received a $500K grant through WSDOT for the study.  This study resulted in a 30% design of a potential solution to help address traffic congestion along SR104 in Kingston.
This study incorporated three components that have now melded into one project:
  • SR104 Ferry Holding Lot (at the NW corner of Lindvog and SR104)
  • SR104 Active Traffic Management System (ATMS) which serves to issue ticket to vehicles during peak periods)
  • SR104 Realignment (which shifts the eastbound vehicle traffic from Main Street to First Street establishing a two way (entry/egress) for all vehicular traffic
WSDOT, Kitsap County, WSF, Port of Kingston and Kitsap Transit are working together with Kingston Community Advisory Committee and other community groups and individuals to design and engineer a system that is right sized and improves traffic and sets a course for near- and long-term improvements for people that live in and around Kingston and everyone who passes through our town.
Please convey your thoughts and concerns (and also a good word is always appreciated) to your port commissioners, Steve Heacock, Laura Gronnvoll, and Mary McClure, who work on behalf of this community and who you elected to represent your interests. They helped secure an $18.5M investment in transportation infrastructure to move this project forward.
For more information –


Kitsap County is currently conducting the 10-year review of the Comprehensive Plan for the whole county. Included in this process is a review of the subarea plan for Kingston; review of the buildable lands analysis; rezone requests; and review of building codes. We have inserted part of the update here though the full report and maps can be found at the Kitsap County’s website. Please review and provide your comments to the County but also tell us here at the Port what you would like to see for the Kingston community in the future. This is a critical opportunity for you to help shape the future of Kingston!

~ Greg Englin, Executive Director





Upcoming KCAC Meetings

Village Green Community Center

April 9, 2025 6:30 – 8:00pm
May 14, 2025 6:30 – 8:00pm
June 11, 2025 6:30 – 8:00pm
August 13, 2025 6:30 – 8:00pm
September 10, 2025 6:30 – 8:00pm
October 8, 2025 6:30 – 8:00pm
November 12, 2025 6:30 – 8:00pm
December 10, 2025 6:30 – 8:00pm








Commercial Development Update

Please click here for an update from the Commissioners


Fuel and Retail Prices

Unleaded $4.87

Diesel $4.06
+ WA State Sales Tax (9.2%)
Pump Price $4.43

2 Cycle Oil $5.99/quart
+ WA State Sales Tax (9.2%)

Ice $3.50/bag


Marina Office:
8:00 AM – 4:45 PM
Every day of the week unless otherwise specified
Fuel Dock:
8:00 AM – 4:30 PM
Every day of the week unless otherwise specified



Make a Reservation by Calling 


Select Option #2 


 Click Here 




Mission Statement

The mission of the Port of Kingston is to enhance the economic and social well-being of the Port District Residents. 

Vision Statement

Serving what matters today, with a view for tomorrow

Core Values  •  Integrity  •  Empathy  •  Dependability  •  Hard Work  •  Stewardship

contact us

25864 Washington Boulevard NE
PO Box 559
Kingston, Washington
Email – 
Office Phone – 360-297-3545